With a reach of 7.4M school personnel, 13K school districts, and 114K total schools, we have the industry's most used and trusted education database. We can identify any target using thousands of data segmentation options across all of our marketing channels.
Have our educational experts create custom co-branded content that educators, administrators, parents, and students are searching for across any subject area or grade level. Our award-winning editors carefully craft the perfect content to engage our clients' target audience.
Our partner websites reach over 50 million page views each month, allowing our clients' messaging to receive unparalleled reach and engagement. Our trusted voice can also be found across Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Pinterest with millions of followers and engagements.
Bring your brand and messaging to life with an in-person experience. We can help reach consumers in ways that help foster connections and develop meaningful relationships with educators, parents, and students.
Gain a deeper understanding of your targets with proprietary insights or custom research opportunities. Custom studies are conducted in-house by our research experts and delivered straight to your inbox.
We develop and distribute resources to connect educators and families to our clients. From posters and magazines to flyers and product sampling, let us help your company provide educators and families with educational content.
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